Best Car Seat Cushions, Tested By Experts (2024 Guide) (2024)

To test each car seat cushion, we installed it according to common sense or the directions on the package. In most cases, installation meant putting the cushion inside its protective cover and plopping it on the driver’s seat.

We tested the softness of the cushions and even tried each cushion after placing several large pieces of debris underneath it. Along with sitting on these cushions, we took them for a test spin to see how well they stayed in place while we drove. We paid attention not only to comfort and grip but also to coolness.

To determine which car seat cushions work best, we considered several factors: comfort, maintenance, airflow, and grip.


While comfort is a subjective standard, we wouldn’t recommend any cushions we found to be lumpy or scratchy. Some riders may prefer a firmer cushion, while other passengers go for something softer. In any case, an excellent car seat cushion can only protect your spine from stress if it absorbs the bumps and pressures of the road.

We sat on each seat cushion in a vehicle and even tested how the cushion felt when we placed large rocks underneath. We gave the highest scores to the cushions that best absorbed bumps on the road.


At some point, you will need to wash your car seat cushion. Some cushions include a removable cover that you can machine wash. We gave the best maintenance scores to cushions with the highest-quality covers that are easy to remove and reattach.


The best car seat cushion offers comfort and can keep your bottom cool by providing airflow. If a seat cushion lacks adequate airflow, it can become hot and scratchy. We could see how well each cushion kept our posterior cool by taking it on a test drive. We gave the best airflow score to cushions made of breathable materials.


Even if a cushion is supremely comfortable, it won’t be of much use if it slides around while you’re driving. Sitting on a seat cushion improperly can be more uncomfortable than riding with no cushion.

We took each cushion for a test drive around curvy roads and sharp turns to see how well it stayed in place. While each did a fair job of remaining in place, drivers concerned about grip should look for seat cushion pillows with non-slip bottoms, or adjustable straps, to keep them in place.

We give the best grip scores to seat cushions that do not shift position while in use.

How We Score Products

Every car seat cushion we test is given a score between 1.0 and 5.0 stars in each category. Here’s what those star ratings mean in concrete terms:

  • 5.0 Stars: A 5.0-star rating means a car seat cushion is among the best in a category. It is comfortable even with a large rock placed underneath, has an easily removed and machine-washable cover, is made with breathable materials, or does not move at all during use.
  • 4.0 Stars: A 4.0-star rating means a car seat cover performs better-than-average in a category. It is comfortable though less so with a rock underneath, can be easily cleaned, allows for moderate airflow, or moves only slightly during use.
  • 3.0 Stars: A 3.0-star rating indicates what is average or typical for a car seat cushion, based on our testing experience. It is comfortable but not perfect, can be cleaned though not easily, allows for some airflow, or moves moderately when in use (must be readjusted after each drive).
  • 2.0 Stars: A 2.0-star rating indicates the car seat cushion performs poorer than average. It is uncomfortable, difficult to clean, provides no airflow, or slides around during use.
  • 1.0 Star: A 1.0-star rating indicates that the car seat cushion performs well below expectations in a category. It is extremely uncomfortable, impossible to maintain, or is hot and scratchy.

Why Trust

Each year, we test over 350 auto products on vehicles and in our testing lab. Our team of product testers thoroughly researches top products, unboxes and puts our hands on each component, and tests the items on real vehicles before making recommendations to readers.

We publish hundreds of product and service reviews to bring car enthusiasts detailed guides on automotive tools, detailing kits, car seats, pet products, and much more. For more information on our testing methodology and how we evaluate every product, check out our methodology page here.

*Data accurate at time of publication. Products subject to availability.

Best Car Seat Cushions, Tested By Experts (2024 Guide) (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.