Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (2024)

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Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (2)


Arpit Tambi

Owner and resident astrologer at Ask Oracle with 18 years of experience in Western (tropical) and Indian (sidereal) astrology. Based in Jaipur, he is an IIT Roorkee alumnus. His areas of expertise include love compatibility, marriage, and child predictions, as well as professional and wealth predictions.


  1. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (3)

    Samantha November 6th, 2023

    Yes agreed find a man who respects you an single why do women mess with men that is n a relationship an then act shocked when he moves on or are you gonna expect him to leave his gf just to be faithful to you not likely….


  2. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (4)

    Gordon kwame Eagles February 25th, 2022

    Am living with one woman with two children’s ,but the lady doesn’t love me, But I didn’t know what exsectly why she is being doing that, because in my self, I did everything that she ask me to do ,but everyday she wanted to fight with me.
    What can I do for it?


  3. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (5)

    Aboh Cynthia October 21st, 2021

    I’m in love with a guy who already have a girlfriend we felt in love and later run he started behaving strange towards me and we are no more together ,and I want him back what I’m going to do.


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      Ris October 26th, 2021

      Find a man that doesn’t have a gf. He isn’t in love with you. Wtf are you thinking? He started acting different because he has a gf and that’s who he’s with. How stupid are you?


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        Andrea July 28th, 2022

        That’s not helpful. Life isn’t that black and white. A lot of people are in sh*tty relationships and are not very compatible. Fear is what keeps them from leaving crap relationships. I’d leave my complicated “common law” by law situation if I could and found someone compatible. Who I’m with is supposedly in love with me going on ten years but has betrayed my trust so many times it’s not even funny. And I tell him I’m not in love anymore. I have PTSD And I don’t have a support group. My family is dead or gone.

  4. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (8)

    Bridget May 17th, 2020

    Will I find love ?


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      Delis July 12th, 2021

      If you like


  5. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (10)

    Ellen Fleur May 17th, 2020

    Find out who’s the love of your life, by looking at this free tarot reading!
    May you find what you want!


  6. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (11)

    Garfeild April 7th, 2020

    You ARE dumb!!! Hahahahhahh LOL
    You will always be restarted ya dumbass


  7. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (12)

    bee July 22nd, 2019

    You must think we’re dumb. These are the very same horoscopes as yesterday word for word.


  8. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (13)

    Brooke Hyter April 28th, 2019

    I need advice on weather I’m going in the right direction with giving my baby dad a second chance?


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      Gardeild April 7th, 2020

      Dear Brooke DONT FORGIVE THAT ASSWHOLE, he doesn’t deserve your or his baby’s love NEVER TRUST MEN


  9. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (15)

    Shavon Adams August 10th, 2018

    This sounds like you were in my brine I losing my mind I feel like I’m being overused and I’m sick with AIDS for 11 years now and I feel like no one will help me Im the one that can’t walk.


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      Kat August 10th, 2018

      I’m so sorry to hear your are ill . All I can say is have faith these past few years have wreaked havoc on my relationship however keep the faith ! You cannot choose who your heart loves mine chose a very long time ago and I knew that it would have its highs and lows . I can also tell you being a Taurus we will stand by you but it cannot be where we give 100% and Pisces gives 20 % . We need to know by actions not words you love us and need us . You have us now show us .


  10. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (17)

    Angelica August 9th, 2018

    I need help deciding if I should stay with my boyfriend or let him go. Please give me guidance


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      Moshea Ugochukwu Bright April 10th, 2019

      Letting go is not an option, through or behind what you see, if there are still understanding.


  11. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (19)

    MarieLorraine July 28th, 2018

    I’m having an no pride man walkingg over my life just about hope in me


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      Tina costa July 28th, 2018

      I dont understand this message


  12. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (21)

    Kat July 25th, 2018

    Trust me I am a Taurus and if we say I love you and show you that we love you we love unconditionally! So yes they really love you


  13. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (22)

    RITA July 20th, 2018

    Hi I am a Pisces. I want to know if my husband to be truly loves me. He is a Turus.
    We plan getting married in march is it a good time and will our marriage last? Please help me.


  14. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (23)

    Riya dutta July 18th, 2018

    What will be my partner name start from?


  15. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (24)

    Sherri Saulsberry June 17th, 2018

    I am a Pisces. I want to know if my guy friend truly love me he is a turus.


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      Smith July 7th, 2018

      Hi Sherri, Taurean & Picean form best lovers. If he is loving you it will indeed be one of the best thing for you !!!!


  16. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (26)

    Debduti Mukherjee June 14th, 2018

    Hi I’m a Pisces dob is 24/02/85.and my bf is a libra man.his dob is 13/10/95.I wanted to know that if he really love me or not?if he really marry me or not?


    • Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (27)

      Tina costa June 16th, 2018

      Yes im pisces im i need to no is this real love with my boyfriend. He a scorpio man


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      Zoe June 21st, 2018

      dont marry, he will definitely cheat you. This is my personal experienced after 18 years of marriage, every day I felt he never be my soul mate.


  17. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (29)

    Melody Herrera May 13th, 2018

    Hi my name Melody 03/01/2001. And I need to know the person I was in relationship name Kevin 09/09/2000 are we gonna be back together? I have the feeling every time and when i see him he just look at me and look sad. I know he the one I been looking for ever since and I just had a hard the day February 19 when he said he want be single again and he never tell me the reason still and I was wondering more and more of the reason. When will me and Kevin be back together? What day will be?


  18. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (30)

    Tina costa April 13th, 2018

    Hi im a pisces march 10 1965 my boyfriend a scorpio. Nov. I need to no if he really love me or is he cheating on me i been feeling lost


  19. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (31)

    ohabavx December 27th, 2017

    Im a pisces i was born on 02 of march 2000 he was born on 12th of feburary i love him so much we fight so much we has a huge row because he called me a bad name but i forgave him because i love him now he wants us to stay broken up but i dont i miss him so much it breaks my heart to let him go what should i do or what is he feeling


  20. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (32)

    Mine is Abdishakur hers is Fozia October 29th, 2017

    I am a pisces man born on 18th march 1978, and i dont know exactly what kind of a sign she is, may u helb me to know her sign?
    Note: she dont know her birth day. how could i know her
    birth day in or to get her sign? please help me


  21. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (33)

    Onyinyechukwu September 18th, 2017

    I’m a Pisces,i was born in 23rd Feb 1983,he is Aries and was born on 14th April 1986,i have been through a lot ,being everything catering and still he doesn’t show appreciation,i don’t know why I fell in luv with this type of people non challant attitude and parasitic nature,i don’t understand and I will still see the people I think they are ok but after I will still end up with this particular kind of people why?


    • Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (34)

      Anna October 19th, 2017

      You’re attracted to the energy which is a spiritual thing. It’s like a drug and it makes you fall in love and you got to have the fix and you know that he doesn’t treat you right or give you what you need but you still want that fix. in reality people have their own will and if they choose not to show action of love and sometimes not even say it because action always has to come with the word then this drains your Life Energy; your battery if you will. Will be difficult but if you haven’t already tell him exactly what you need from him and if this person cannot give it to you then break up, take time to heal and let go that energy that you felt with him and slowly move on. I’m telling you this because I had the same issue and I started allowing him to treat me worse and worse and give nothing just so I could have that fix of that energy. After a while I didn’t even care that I was being treated like crap. I discovered though his soul and energy are wonderful his physical human side stinks. After many breakups this last one with him I’m really trying to move on. He’s not good for me. I discovered the same energy with other people but in this non-commitment type of world it’s hard to find a traditional person who wants to commit. You deserve love, emotional, spiritual and physical connection with the person. And just have to step back when you feel that connection and make sure whoever you’re with is providing action and words to go alone with that energy. This type of or should I say lack of commitment from another person to you effects your self-esteem and confidence.


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        Onyinyechukwu October 19th, 2017

        Thank you are right.

    • Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (36)

      Jessi December 29th, 2017

      I am a Pisces born March 16th 1984, and I as well have fallen for an April 10th 1969 Aries. I 💯% understand your situation. I am in the same. I have accepted so much and been stuck in a storm. I chose to stick by his side. He only returned to me love with conditions, mystery attitudes of resentment, abandonement, silent treatment, I have been treated like an object and the degradation of being ostracized and told to my face that I do not deserve anything is what shattered me. Now I sit here alone with nothing but my own decisions of acceptance… Aries is not good for Pisces. Pisces will be left empty and abandoned. Wondering how and why do I deserve this? That’s it…🤔😔😢


  22. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (37)

    Dhara Desai July 19th, 2017

    My name is Dhara Desai. Married since 5 years.I have a baby which is 5 months old. Me and my husband are going through major marriage problems. Cos of few of my mistakes he doesnt want to be in any relation with me.. That’s what he says. I Cannot stay without him and I really love him loads.i cannot see this marriage breaking at any cost. My DOB is 7 nov 1986. And his birth date is 12 March 1987. We shared a beautiful relation.from the start. Can you please let me know when and how my problems will get solved. Will he ever love me back. I cannot stay without him.pleaseeeeeeee help.


    • Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (38)

      Anna October 19th, 2017

      You have to ask yourself and be completely honest with yourself. Do you not want to be without him or do you not want to be alone? You also have to consider why you made the mistakes that you did and without blaming each other realize that both of you have trust issues for whatever reason. It takes two to make a relationship. Two people who felt completely secure in their relationship would not have made mistakes that would break them up in the first place. It’s really hard sometimes we have to let go and the hardest part especially for sensitive signs is trust and then regaining trust after its broken. Maybe you too just never got to the fully completely trusting each other part and that’s why the mistakes happened in the first place. You have to Soul search because doing what’s right is different for everyone but everything good and bad has consequences. Prolonging the inevitable only makes the pain prolong as well. I know I’ve been there I’m a Pisces. I have trouble trusting in the beginning and then I’m sensitive to every little mood of everyone so like I said in the earlier post it’s probably better that as much as I live to love that I’m alone right now soul searching. Because I’m 45 now and I don’t have any room to fail at another relationship. Sometimes you have to go back and write down everything from the beginning you know pros and cons how you felt at each point in the relationship and do this for your last few relationships that you had and you’ll find a pattern. Once you find that pattern you can fix it by slowing down and living more consciously in your relationships. There are always signs. We choose to ignore those signs and then get ourselves hurt. It’s important to know that we also have the capacity to love even the worst of people. It’s not required of us but that’s all part of how we were created. I am personally also learning not to go into the Pisces dream world when I meet someone and have stopped visualizing the future with them and just living day to day and seeing not what they could be, but what they are and what they’re showing me.


  23. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (39)

    Cynthia Kay Shelton May 19th, 2017

    I’m a female Capricorn hes a pices its really good why does he not help


  24. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (40)

    luzelle May 11th, 2017

    hi can i ask about my relationship or boyfriend if he really love me he is serious to me?/
    thank you and godbless


  25. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (41)

    Jeada Cago May 1st, 2017

    I want to ask…f my present relation now..he will be my last?our relations full of fights after we are together..must of the time break up.but still we keep fights sake of our love..but I feel that he don’t want me to his last..


  26. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (42)

    BecPisces March 6th, 2015

    @Aurangzeb I have been through this same thing.. i realised i was just giving my love and time to the wrong kind of people.


  27. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (43)

    AV93 April 10th, 2014

    This one is never updated on time.


  28. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (44)

    36339 March 7th, 2014



  29. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (45)

    tshepig1 May 9th, 2013

    you are 100 percent correct today,


  30. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (46)

    allenfaith April 14th, 2013

    is this only a guide right?


  31. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (47)

    lovinglevi May 21st, 2012



  32. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (48)

    tara11 April 19th, 2012

    i had a affair for almost 5 yrs and my bf went abroud for some wok for 9 months . when he came back he said he was in love with me ….what should i do. i was loyal to him ftrom the day one and know i get to knw that he likes someone else …what ws that ,y guys always cheat


  33. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (49)

    ilykalebe January 11th, 2012

    & wow some of this really dose fitt my lifeeee , i love my boyfriend he is a cancer & im a pisces , 🙂 ahaha


  34. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (50)

    qurban-dahani November 13th, 2011

    my star is pisces i love a girls in 2 years old but she is ignored me why? her star is cancer…… plz solve my love..


  35. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (51)

    [emailprotected] October 26th, 2011

    I dont usually write on this sort of wall but can I just say to Lexi if that person is still on here…me too…absolutely, me too! with the scorpio male ….and the man turned out to be everything I convinced myself he was not and could not possibly be. I took it slow….unbelievably slow..Then.. He ended it in April and then moved in to live with someone !! what the ?? and now that he has left her!!…is back in touch with me!! as “friends”…to “tell me about it” and so that he can be “honest with me”.
    Have a good think about the type of person that really is …at heart. Know that you deserve better even if it means walking on the beach by yourself for a while skimming stones and breathing the lovely fresh air. He was using you …as a pisces with a scorpio at the same time…I know that now. Look after yourself because you matter!!


  36. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (52)

    ilovetarun April 20th, 2011

    itz relly relly true


  37. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (53)

    Lexi December 5th, 2010

    My horoscope is very true. I jump in to fast with relationships, I am pisces and can fall easily, my scorpio man is taking things slow, and I am learning to adapt, even though it is very hard, as he is very different to any other man i have dated in my life.


  38. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (54)

    dearone November 11th, 2010

    @Ariel have you tried to accept your partner for what and who she/he is? Its all about expectations and acceptance. Love is just a feeling that may fade away when expectations fall apart, try to understand where you and your partner is coming from and what do you want to achieve together. I hope that helps next time.


  39. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (55)

    Ariel November 4th, 2010

    I am a pisces looking for love, my heart has been broken too many times, its hard finding someone loyal & committed, sometimes i think its too much to ask for.


  40. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (56)

    Dipesh November 3rd, 2010

    My love dump me without any reason,i m so worry please tell me why she dump me..


  41. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (57)

    Madhumita October 6th, 2010

    Iam 24years old.iam choosing for my life patner through net. This is lucky month for choosing perfect lifepatner.


  42. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (58)

    Sandra September 28th, 2010

    I am a Taurus woman, trying hard to get the trust of a Capricorn man. How do I know if his interested and how patient do I need to be.


  43. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (59)

    spoonman July 29th, 2010

    i’ve been checking out answers here when i find myself in trouble. the worst has happened. Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness. bring it on


  44. Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (60)

    Aurangzeb May 2nd, 2010

    my star is pisces i am so romentic guy but all female’s has not love with me . why ? i dont’ know .
    i am so worry about my life.


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Free Pisces Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.