South Dakota GFP Reservations - (2024)

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Clay County Park

Main Campground

South Dakota GFP Reservations - (1)

Click on the “Aerial View” button to see satellite images and tour the campground using street view. Once you have clicked the “Aerial View” button, drag and drop the yellow Pegman (bottom right corner) to access virtual tours / street views of sites & campgrounds.





South Dakota GFP Reservations - (4)

South Dakota GFP Reservations - (5)

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After selecting your desired date for the reservation, click the button below to select an available time

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South Dakota GFP Reservations - (2024)


How many Native American reservations does South Dakota currently have? ›

At the same time, the remaining land of the Great Sioux Reservation was divided into smaller, separate reservations for various Sioux tribes. These reservations, along with those created east of the Missouri River, exist today as nine distinct Indian reservations within the District of South Dakota.

Do you need reservations for Black Hills National Forest? ›

Campground reservations may be made through at 1-877-444-6777 or online (link below). Due to high demand, reservations are recommended.

Can you hunt on Indian reservations in South Dakota? ›

South Dakota's Indian Reservations hold a wealth of hunting and fishing opportunities. State licenses are not valid on Indian trust lands, unless authorized by tribal councils. Contact the game offices of each individual tribe for specific licensing information.

How do I make reservations at Custer State Park? ›

This system is used at the Yankton Campground at Lewis and Clark Recreation Area and at Center Lake Campground at Custer State Park. Open sites can be reserved beginning at 7 a.m. CT / 6 a.m. MT on the day of arrival online or by calling 1.800. 710.2267. A same day reservation can be made for a maximum 14-night stay.

What state has the most Indian reservations? ›

The highest concentration of Native American reservations can be found in the western United States. California alone has 103 reservations that are recognized by the federal government.

Can you live on a reservation without being Indian? ›

In a number of instances—e.g., the Yakama Indian Reservation—tribes have identified open and closed areas within reservations. One finds the majority of non-Indian landownership and residence in the open areas and, contrariwise, closed areas represent exclusive tribal residence and related conditions.

Can you just go on an Indian reservation? ›

Many reservations welcome visitors and have recreational, historical and cultural sites and events to share with the public. All of the attractions, activities and lodgings listed on NativeAmerica.Travel are open to the public.

Can you drink alcohol on Indian reservations? ›

Answer and Explanation: Alcohol is banned on Indian reservations through a federal law prohibiting the sale of alcohol on reservation land. This can be overridden, though, if the tribal council of the reservation decides to do so.

Are reservations needed at Mt Rushmore? ›

No reservations are needed to visit the memorial. Parking for vehicles pulling trailers or extra-long vehicles is extremely limited. For questions concerning parking and parking fees, please call Xanterra Travel Collection at 605-574-2515.

Are there bears in Custer State Park? ›

The Custer Gallatin National Forest is home to both black and grizzly bears, and provides important habitat for bears and other wildlife to use throughout the year.

Can you carry a firearm in Custer State Park? ›

Open carry of firearms is not permitted in Custer State Park, except by licensed hunters during established hunting seasons.

What tribe has the largest of the reservations today? ›

Navajo Land

The Navajo Nation is the largest Indian reservation in the United States, comprising about 16 million acres, or about 25,000 square miles, approximately the size of the state of West Virginia.

How many Sioux tribes are there today? ›

The Sioux are a confederacy of several tribes that speak three different dialects, the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota. The Lakota, also called the Teton Sioux, are comprised of seven tribal bands and are the largest and most western of the three groups, occupying lands in both North and South Dakota.

Where is the largest Sioux reservation? ›

The Pine Ridge Reservation occupies the entirety of Oglala Lakota (formerly Shannon) County, the southern half of Jackson County and Bennett County. The total land area of the reservation is 2.1 million acres. The reservation is among the largest in the United States.

Does South Dakota have a large Native American population? ›

South Dakota has the third highest proportion of Native Americans of any state, behind Alaska and New Mexico. Five of the state's counties lie entirely within Indian reservations.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Views: 5867

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.